Where you will use the simple algorithms to apply into the real-world, upgrade Technical, Teamwork & Project Management skills
Want to see how it works? Check out the video !
Where you will use the simple algorithms to apply into the real-world, upgrade Technical, Teamwork & Project Management skills
Want to see how it works? Check out the video !
Challenge mode: Game performer
The contest platform:DeNA Battleship Challenge
A game engine, to call AI and show the decisions and results (video+audio)
Service interface definition for AI service using HTTP.
Everyone who interest can build team (at least 3 persons), and register to join with marketing team.
Registered team needs name and register the technology that will be used.
Each team has at least 2 weeks to implement the service.
One meetup workshop will be held for all the teams to trial and improve the services.
A game engine server will be setup, and it need the access to all AI service.
In the contest time, the game will be played automatically.
The teams will be the watchers in the playing session.
The results will be determined by game engine, in the view of watchers.
Build an application which serves HTTP requests, with our supplied I/F
Let the game engine call to it during game play.
Your application must be able to analyze situations
Your application must be able to make decisions
Your application has no bug, and processing time <=10 seconds each turn
You can use any algorithm for the application.
You can use any AI services on the cloud, like Google Cloud Machine Learning
For registration
Tech meet up 5F.DOB
Tournament & Voting
Final Match & Awards Ceremony
Dev Manager
Technical Architect
R & D Manager
Onsite Engineer
Senior Software Developer
Evolable Asia Corporation, Executive of Global Business Division